About Us

Build products and solutions desired for the 21st century,

Driven By Innovation and Technology!

Infocept, the team behind Colobbo is a specialised telecommunication infrastructure build and Workforce software solution company driven and motivated by Innovation, technology, and excellence.
Core team behind Colobbo brings over 40+ years of experience combined experience in network design and construction having undertaken projects on  Fibre, Copper, and Coaxial networks throughout Australia.

Our experienced team consists of  network designers, network technicians, and software developers.

With years of experience in field construction, our team identified a technology gap in network design management, work allocation, network as-built reporting, material usage reporting, and Schedule of rate reconciliation and after over 4 years of R&D  founded Colobbo, a Geo-Spatial, AI-Powered Workforce management software .

Today, Colobbo is used by Tier1 network construction companies and growing to become a market leader in the Workforce management space.

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Years of Experience

A Path to Fast Growth

We believe in fostering an exciting working environment with good management practices and the opportunity to practice and develop their skills and knowledge.

We Work for Your Profit

Our most important resource for our clients is our knowledge and commitment to deliver creative innovative cutting edge solutions to solve real world challenges

A Strong Team

Our Development and Testing partners fosters a corporate culture that attracts and retains creative, practical and energetic employees who are driven to innovation.

Meet Our Experts

Driven by Innovation & Technology our core team is committed to bring innovative solutions to real work challenges



Business strategist with a passion for Innovation & Growth .


Rajeev Biswas


Technologist & Industry Expert with in-depth experience in Telecommunicaitons industry.



Sr. Systems Engineer

Tech Savvy engineer with over 15 years of experience in developing enterprise technologies.

Excellent Support
We’re dedicated to making your business better! Our experts will never leave you in the dark. Consider our fastest and reliable support as a compliment.
Awesome Team
Our team comprises of talented software developers / Designers / QA Engineers with least 5+ years of experience in building robust and salable systems on the Mobile & Web
Faster Performance
Our most important resource for our clients is our knowledge and commitment to deliver creative innovative cutting edge solutions to solve real world challenges.

Quick Links


Melbourne, Australia
Level 4, 80 Market Street South Melbourne VIC 3205

New York, US
1740 Broadway, Level 15, New York, NY 10019

About Colobbo

The team behind Colobbo is an experienced team of network designers, network technicians, and software developers. With years of experience in field construction, Infocept identified a technology gap in network design management, work allocation, network asbuilt reporting, material usage reporting, and Schedule of rate reconciliation and as a result, started building a Geo-Spatial, AI-Powered Worlforcee management software called Colobbo.

Today, Colobbo is used by Tier1 network construction companies and growing to become a market leader in the Workforce management space.

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